Message from FCA Manager Regarding Rate Increase

March 8, 2017

Message from FCA Manager Regarding Rate Increase

The Authority continues to strive for excellence in fulfilling its public water supply duties while balancing the need for capital improvements and controlling operating costs.

To ensure the proper operation of Fox Chapel Authority (FCA), the Board of Directors approved a 9% rate increase on all water usage after March 1st, 2017. The last water increase occurred January 1st, 2011. Since 2011 the Authority has absorbed increases from its water supplier in excess of 8%. FCA could no longer fund the 13% rate increase from PWSA this year without compromising our commitment to a sound operating environment and high water quality standards.

The Board of Directors and Management will strive to continue to provide excellent water quality and customer service while replacing outdated water system infrastructure as economically as possible

To view the Authority’s complete rate schedule please visit our website at .

Mark E. Nicely, PE, Manager